UEmpower of Maryland gives a hand up by identifying areas of genuine need and bridging resources to create solutions that Empower our community. Our flagship program, The Food Project, addresses two key challenges in our community: food insecurity and youth unemployment to help stop the cycle of poverty. The Food Project hires at-risk youth to produce and distribute meals each week and run a popup market to distribute food and resources to the community.

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Empowering Communities
& Saving Lives

The Food Project has a solution for what challenges Baltimore every day. In the heart of a community suffering from high crime, food insecurity, lack of education, and jobs we are able to address a safe and sustainable path off the streets.

United States District Judge George Levi Russell III, recognizes the solutions that we provide everyday at The Food Project:

“In this court room we often discuss solutions on how we stop this (the cycle of crime and violence). And here it is you (The Food Project) are doing just that. You are on the front lines of this.” "You are already making a difference because you made a difference in his life. And you are making a difference out there. So I implore you, don't stop. You are an unsung hero in Baltimore and I appreciate that." "I admire you very much, Ms. Suazo, and I will remember you." -Honorable George Levi Russell III

Even though The Food Project has a track record of success, funding is still hard… and our youth are suffering. Please support our efforts that go beyond hiring the youth to feed their community and help us feed the whole person and save lives.

Youth Entreprenuers


Supporting our young entreprenuers

When one of our youth dreams of a vending machine you just have to taking the next step. #youngentreprenuers @TheFoodProjectBaltimore @guerillavending @blackdashvend

How We Empower

Bettering Baltimore with The Food Project - WMAR Ch2

Bettering Baltimore with The Food Project - WMAR Ch2


Social Enterprises

The Food Project provides opportunities for Baltimore's youth. –WBAL Ch11

The Food Project provides opportunities for Baltimore's youth. –WBAL Ch11