The Food Project believes in bridging resources and services to the heart of our community. Thank you to our team and partners:

Service Navigator
Tue & Thu  10-2pm
Meet with Sheena Watkins to connect with needed services

MD Physician’s Care
Tue-Thu  9-4pm
MPC Community Social Worker available to help clients with services

Therapeutic Wellness
Tue-Thu  10-5pm
Therapy, PRP, Psychosocial Assessments, Life Skills

Ascensions Mobile Clinic
Tuesdays 10am-3pm
Pediatric, Diabetic and Checkups

Healthcare for the Homeless
Mobile Clinic
Wednesdays 10am-3pm
Supportive Services, Housing Services, Advocacy

The Franciscan Center
The 3rd Friday of the Month
Help with documents and SNAP benefits, dental & vision

MVA Learners Test
3rd Friday if the Month 1:00pm
[first 60 people]

So What Else Clothing & Furniture Resource Center
Located off Ashton Street you can find a free clothing.

Emergency Family Relief
Each year we find ourselves faced with homeless youth and families in crisis. Since 2014 we have been able to provide resources to help families get on their feet. Through support of partners and donors guide the families in the steps to gain or keep housing. Relief can also include  rent, utilities, motel, food, transportation, funeral costs or phone. With the Family Relief Fund we are able to reach out and help in these and other emergency situations. Our goal is to help bridge the gap in hard times.